This past Monday, I ran the 31st annual
Bolder Boulder 10k. This race is a lot of fun because it is the largest 10k in the country. 50-60,000 people run it every year.
The only negative about this race is that it is the Monday after a holiday weekend. To recap this race, let's start with Saturday and Sundays events. Saturday I had a 12 mile run scheduled for marathon training. I decided to stick with the number even though I would be racing on Monday. Saturday night I got talked into going out with some friends and danced the night away at a bar downtown. After waking up Sunday very hungover and dehydrated, I had to get ready for a make-up tennis match. Normally, my tennis league plays Thursday nights but we got rained out this week. My match was really fun and very tough. Even though I didn't win, I knew my legs would be hurting the next morning.

Brandon, Dave, Jess, Zach, Me, Hubby
When I woke up Monday, my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each. I knew I would be sore, but not THIS SORE! Apparently, I can run 17 miles without any pain, but a 2 hour tennis match and my legs throw in the towel. I decided to take the race easy, and not have a real goal in mind. Ultimately, I did want to come in under 50 minutes.
Dave and Brandon were also running the race with me, so hubby dropped us off at the start line and wished me luck! We jogged a warm up mile to the start of the race. Due to our procrastination and our desire for more sleep, we decided to start in the VERY last running wave. When the gun went off, Dave and Brand sprinted ahead as I waved goodbye. I took the first few miles a little too fast, and my legs screamed in pain. I allowed myself to stop and walk when they really started to ache. Because we started so late, it was really difficult to pass people.

I focused on the crowd support and listened to the bands playing along the streets. I knew I would hit my goal if I kept my mind off the pain. Soon enough, I started the last hill climb into Folsom Stadium. I tried my best to sprint the last 1/4 mile inside the stadium.
Final Time
6.2/49:08/AP 7:54
I was ECSTASTIC about achieving my goal. My time for this race last year was 59:15. I shaved over 10 minutes off my 10k PR in one year, SWEET!